So...I've ben thinking,I should make a game called"Sonic.EXE Killer"You are A Random Guy From Real Life and You Find Blood,That was Sonic.EXE!But Sonic.EXE has made clones to make it harder to reach him!Who hates Sonic.EXE Will make the game! And You can upgrade guns,buy armor,get awards,test your skills in Minigames!And you need to get the real Sonic Characters as your Goal through 11 worlds!You can get the Musket and Daggers with secret codes!Saving Your State Will Be enabled!The name of your Guy Will be random!But there is Customization When you get your character reaches level 4!Leveling Up "IS" when you beat any level,But you level up only if you:
-Kill all the clones in that level
-Get all the fan made characters
-Get All pokemon(Yes,this has Pokemon)
-And Capture the Flags(Lol,War)